Monday, October 12, 2009

Beckom at 9 months

I am a month behind on this post.  He was actually 9 months on September 16th.  OOPS!!

he now weighs 17 lbs 7 oz 25%
he is 27 1/2 inches 50%
he has 2 bottom teeth
crawls and gets into everything
always has a smile
loves to shake his head no
only says mama
still not sleeping very good
has no interest in trying to walk, not even with help
a happy little boy that I couldn't imagine not having in our family
I had to put this picture on because his feet are ALWAYS crossed!  Riding in his stroller, eating, in a car seat, even in his sleep.  I guess we gave him the right middle name.  Papa, I am sure it comes from you.


Jensen Family said...

how cute is he?! i love that he crosses his feet all the time, thats too funny! :)

Cody, Ashley, Rilyn, Casen, Brigg, and Brooks said...

Hes so cute!! I love it! I love the tie!! Too cute!

sherry said...

Love the little feet! I have never seen a baby do that!

laura said...

He is so cute! Tylie always crossed her feet too :) You guys do such cute things for your kids birthdays. You are such a good mom!!