Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For the love of Blankey!

This kid only loves one thing in this world more than his blankey.....his daddy! So when the time comes that I HAVE to put it in the wash because I can't stand it anymore, it is a tough day.
He stands and waits the ENTIRE cycle without moving....
Crying like the world has ended....
Will it ever turn off?...
Finally, now where is it?.....
As he loves to say "there it is!"or "der it tis!"
He quickly shuts the door. There is no way this baby is going in the dryer. I don't care how wet it feels.
He is not going to risk me getting it again. So into the hiding place it goes.
Almost there....
Mom will never find it here!
Now he is happy. And this, my friends, is the ritual of washing the blankey. So much drama from such a little guy!!!


Cody, Ashley, Rilyn, Casen, Brigg, and Brooks said...

Oh he is so stinkin funny! We can't wait to see you all. We miss you guys!

The Risenmays said...

That is probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen! Brady loves his blankey too but he's not old enough to realize I sneak it out of his crib when he's sleeping. I wonder if he'll be just like Beckom :)