Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Boston!

Boston Turned 7 on Novemeber 20th. He wanted a colorful cake with blue frosting "like bubble gum", a ripstick, and to go to disneyland!
We took him and his cousin Kamryn to peter piper with his grandparents for a little party
The cake ended up pretty colorful, and it tasted good!
He got a ripstick and my nice neighbor Ansel came over to help him learn how to ride. This thing is hard to do. Boston has worked very hard and can actually ride. He is getting better everyday!
Here are a few things about our Bubba:
He is still my buddy
He is very sweet and sensitive
He loved to play sports
He loved to wrestle and play with anyone he can get to
He wants to be the smartest in school and it drives him crazy if he isn't
He wanted to be in the hardest reading group in first grade and worked hard until he was (he also asked his teacher everyday if he could be moved up)
He loves church and his primary teacher brother Bigler
He loves his little brother and will play with him ALL the time
He loves the colors blue, orange and black
He is a hard worker and will always help his Dad or I

We love you Bubba! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

The Risenmays said...

7! I can't believe that! I totally remember when you were pregnant with him and when he was born. I remember babysitting him when he was just a baby. Time has gone so fast. He is such a cute kid!