Monday, June 6, 2011

Student Council

Sera and Alexa both ran for student council this year. Sera for Vice President and Alex for Secretary. They Both did such a great job. I can't figure out how they get up there and don't look nervous at all. I wish their amazing talent would rub off on me!
Alexa was Granny Alexa. She Totally got into character, used a shaky voice, walked really slow, and did and EXCELLENT job! She had some tough competition and didn't win this year but she is ready to take it next year! We are so proud of her and her great attitude.

This is SUMO SERA.... or as she will be called next year... Vice President Sera! This girl even got up and added some funny parts to her speech while on stage. Great Job Sera!!

We are so proud of these girls and their desire to be leaders. They are both so sweet and such hard workers. Great Job! Mom and Dad are so PROUD to call you ours!

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