Alexa is naturally a little mom. She has had a bitty baby since she was 2 and it still goes everywhere with her. We were talking about dream cars one day and hers is a mini van! (sera said a convertible!) When I asked her why a mini van, she said so it can hold all her kids and she likes how the doors open by themselves! When Beckom was born she instatly took charge. She will hold him FOREVER, change a diaper like it is no big deal, make sure he is always happy and loves him even when getting covered in any kind of bodily fluids. They are no problem, just wipe them up and move on. If we are in the car and he is crying, she can't stand it. She tries everything to fix it!
At the hospital with Beckom!
The birth of this baby has made Alexa the happiest little girl. She wants to share her room with him, she is mad if he isn't in the car when she gets in from school and she misses him when she is gone. I love it!
In our house on school nights the kids always lay out there clothes the night before. The other night I went up and put them all to bed. Then when in to get Beck's bed ready and this is what I found...
She had also laid out clothes for Beckom to wear the next day.
Here he is all dressed. She was so proud!
She has a love for children of all ages. I hope she knows how special this is! We love you Alexa!!
I put these pictures on because he is just so cute in his rocker hat from my aunt and uncle!!
Cutest post ever! I love your little ones! They are so sweet, and Alexa truley puts others 1st! I love her conversations in the morning on the way to school! And she is such a helper with Talan too! I love Beckom's outfit! She also has great style! (so does Sera) Beck is getting so BIG! We have to do something this week! Maybe I will walk over with Ryk and the boys can play!
Lexa you are awesome. We all love you so much. You are such a big helper with Rilyn. She loves getting to play with you.
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