Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sera for Secretary

I cannot tell you how proud I am of this little girl!! She had only been at her new school for 2 weeks when the information for student council came out. We talked about it and I thought she would say no way. She didn't!! So this "new girl" ran for student body secretary. She had to get signatures on a petition, make posters, and write and give a speech.
After a lot of ideas and brainstorming her dad came up with the idea of dressing like a clown. She sucked helium while giving the speech to add a special touch!
I was so impressed. There were at least 8 other kids running for Secretary that morning. She didn't even act nervous. She had her speech memorized, acted goofy like a clown, sucked the helium like a pro, and did a PERFECT job!

Now you are looking at the new Student Body Secretary!!!! Way to go Sera! You always set a great example for your family (especially me!).

Here is her speech:

Hello! I'm Sera Breinholt...
I want you to vote for me, for secretary. Just Remember:


S is for smart
E is for energetic
R is for responsible
A is for accountable


Did you know that my name is even spelled in the word "SEcRetAry"...that means I'm the right one for the job.

I may be a clown but I'm not goofin' around when I say, vote for ME for secretary to get the job done!!!


Castle Family said...

Sooo stinkin'g cute!! I can see why you're proud :) Way to go Sera!

Ashley Breinholt said...

WAY TO GO SERA!! Thats so awesome!!

Kelly said...

WOW! Such a brave girl! Very impressed as well! :)

dustin and amy said...

I LOVE it! What a brave girl, and a great example! And what a good mama to support all she wants to do!

niki said...

Awesome I didn't know she won!!!! CONGRATS!!!

Amy Lynn said...

What courage! Way to go Sera!

Anonymous said...
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Kara said...

Wow that is awesome! She is so darling, I bet everyone in her new school loves her:)

δΊŽε‘ˆε‡ε said...
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