Can You guess? We spent it at the Cardon Children's Hospital. Three days two nights and one surgery later we finally made it home. So here is the story.........
On Tuesday the 29th Beckom was really crabby and by that night was running a fever. My neighbor took a quick peek in his ears for me and they looked fine. I just assumed he was teething or getting a cold. That night was awful. He was in a LOT of pain, high fever, and just miserable. I called the pediatrician first thing in the morning. When I went to pick him up if I touched his leg or but he would scream. When I got to the Dr.'s office I looked in his diaper and saw a HUGE swollen red sore(the size of a silver dollar). When I told the Dr she said normally she would sent me straight to the ER but she was going to let me try 2 antibiotics for 24 hours first. After 24 MISERABLE hours of watching my baby in horrible pain I took him to the hospital at noon on New Years Eve. My Dr called ahead and they took us right in. He had MRSA in his left butt cheek that had abscessed. By the time we got to the hospital his fever was 104 and the infection had spread to the size of a grapefruit. They ran an IV (which blew and he had to have a second) and started iv antibiotics, morphine and admitted us to the hospital. We had to apply hot packs for 24 hours before they did the surgery. During all of this they wouldn't let him eat. Finally at 9pm they offered him food. After applying heat all night, they decided he was ready for surgery. So again no food. They took him back for surgery at 3pm New Years Day. Poor kid was starving, in pain(when the morphine wore off)and scared, he also had to have ANOTHER iv. The surgery went well. They said they removed a TON of infection. He got a new procedure done where they inserted a tube that we had to flush every 6 hrs for 24 hrs after the surgery. After surgery he stayed on the morphine the entire night and slept pretty good(for a hospital). By the next morning I was amazed at how much better his infection looked. After 24 hours they removed the tube and let us go home saturday night around 8pm. He still had quite a bit of pain and has to continue on a strong antibiotic. He is doing much better now. I have to clean and redress the surgical area 2 times a day and he is handling that better each time. We had quite and adventure and a New Years we will never forget. Leave it to this kid to give us one more adventure in his 1 year of life. Its a good thing he was born with all this modern medical technology!

His brother and sisters and cousins sent him a gift with lots of notes and pictures and Boston gave him this bear that was his favorite when he was little. Beckom loved it!
What do you do in a hospital with a starving, bored, baby in pain? Take him on a wagon ride around and around and around the hallways. (He isn't falling out he sits on his side because his butt hurt.)
Finally, the first real meal in two days and they bring him fish stars???
So this next picture is for Frankie who made fun of me for taking a picture of the tube sticking out of my babies butt!! I only wish I would have gotten a picture before the surgery too!
And that is the END of the story!
Brenda's Mom here...How awful for all of you! Nothing so stressful as your baby boy so sick you can't make it better yourself. How does a baby get such an infection? Wish you could have just gone to the ER after that first Dr. visit. Glad to see such a happy face and the "end" of the story.
I'm so glad that you guys are home and that hes doing so much better. We miss you guys already!
Oh my goodness Krista! Poor little buddy! I'm glad all went well and he is home and feeling better. I've never heard of anything like that? How did he get it?
Your poor little man!! But thankfully one of those things he won't even remember. Def. more traumatic for mom and dad! Hope he heals quickly!!
oh my goodness, poor baby! and mommy! no mommy wants to see their baby sick :( i'm glad he is alll better!! what a trooper!!
Krista...I am so glad that he is doing better. Sorry you had to go through all the scariness! Hope he has a speedy recovery. Let me know if you need anything!
O poor little guy! That is so sad, I hope he is doing better and heals quick. They are all so cute and it looks like you guys have been having fun. Miss you guys.
Oh my goodness that is horrible. Poor little guy! I'm still not quite sure what he had but it sounds horrible. I hope he is feeling better:)
We went through the same thing a year scary!!! So glad he is doing better!!
Poor Beckom, that's just awful. You had to have been going crazy not being able to comfort him and let him eat....that would kill me knowing they were starving but weren't allowed to eat. I too am glad we have modern technology. I love the picture of the will be a good story for him someday, with his future wife :) I'm glad he's doing better
Krista, why do your kids always get the strangest and worst illnesses!? It must be becasue you're so awesome and patient. :)
oh krista i'm so sorry you had to go thru that, so happy he's better!
Poor little guy! it is the worst when the little ones have to be hospitalized! You feel like something is picking on your poor little innocent baby. I am glad he is feeling better. MRSA is scary! I wish you had taken a picture before surgery too. It would be nice to have a reference because I have no idea what it looks like...
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